Tag Archives: by:Larm

Concert summary

Good show, particularly for a band that has been together for only a year.  The only real problem was that it was much too short at approximately 25 minutes.  I realize the festival has tons of acts at lots of venues, but 25 minutes is barely enough time to let an artist get warmed up.

That being said, by:Larm is still going on today and tomorrow and it is possible to see a lot of bands in a little time. 

Headed to see My Little Pony tonight

While I don’t have a ton of disposable income, for those that do and love music, the by:Larm festival/conference is fantastic.  You get to see tons of Nordic bands over 3 days at fairly reasonable prices.  It’s a great way to hear lots of new music and support bands trying to make it.

I’ll be doing my part by attending a show by the aforementioned My Little Pony.  If their sound in the studio translates even decently well to the stage then it’ll be a great show.

Here’s a video from them: